"The kingdom of heaven is within you."

Life comes from the Lord
Hope is found in Him alone
Family waits for me in heaven
Hope is found in Him alone
Family waits for me in heaven
My heart longs to be at Home
Truth comes from the Lord
Treasure is found in Him alone
Friends wait for me in heaven
My soul longs to be at Home
Faith comes from the Lord
Faith comes from the Lord
Freedom is found in Him alone
Peace awaits me in heaven
Peace awaits me in heaven
My mind longs to be at Home
Strength comes from the Lord
My joy is found in Him alone
Love waits for me in heaven
I can't wait to get Home
Heaven is commonly conceived of as a place, a locality; and somewhere in God's universe it is supposed there is a spot where elemental storms never deform the sky, where inward sorrow never cankers the heart. There is rest after labor, peace after conflict, smiles after tears, and such happiness as quenches all fiery memories of former pain; and the common or popular notion is, that when good men leave this world, they are translated, that is, transported to heaven, as an aeronaut sails off in a balloon. The falsity of this view Christ exposes, when he says, "The kingdom of heaven is within you." In the words of Holy Writ, the kingdom of heaven is to fear God, and keep his commandments. It is to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, and our neighbor as ourselves. It is to do to others as we would be done by. HORACE MANN Thoughts...