OCT 2012
Rejoice in the Lord always:
and again I say, Rejoice.
Rejoice in the Lord;
Stay true, walk humbly,
Be glad with less not more.
Rejoice in the truth,
Be strong and courageous,
Life isn't all about you.

Rejoice in the freedom;
Stay ready, be available,
Sing and celebrate Jesus!
Be happy in the Lord;
Stay perfect in holiness,
You will enjoy life more.
October 28



Proverbs 3:5-6

"Apart from truth our human lives would lose all their value, 
and we ourselves become no better than the beasts that perish."


I dare say,
I believe in truth;
Truth that never lies,
Truth that never dies.

I dare say,
I believe in love;
Love that never fails,
Love that sets our sail.

I dare say,
I believe in God;
God who knows my name,
God who understands my way.

I dare say,
I believe in Jesus;
Jesus who redeemed my soul from death,
Jesus who lived and died and rose again!

Following the Truth

To know the truth is the greatest privilege any man can enjoy in this life, as truth itself is without doubt the richest treasure anyone can possess. This follows from the nature of truth, and from the world-outlasting dowry it brings to those who open their hearts to it. Apart from truth our human lives would lose all their value, and we ourselves become no better than the beasts that perish. Our response to truth should be eager and instant. We dare not dally with it; we dare not treat it as something we can obey or not obey, at our pleasure. It is a glorious friend, but it is nevertheless a hard master, exacting unquestioning obedience. While a life lived in conformity with the truth will come at last to a good and peaceful end, candor requires us to admit that the lover of truth will have to endure many a heartache, many a sorrow as he journeys through the wilderness. This is the price the world makes him pay for the priceless privilege of obeying the truth. The world being what it is, truth must carry its own forfeit. The servant of truth will be penalized for his devotion. So goes the world always.


Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6


Christ is the truth. We want to embrace some truth and screen out other truth. We cant. To follow Christ means walking in the truth-all of it!



John 7:37
"On the last day, that great day of the feast,
Jesus stood and cried out, saying, 'If anyone
thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.


Open wide the ears of your heart,
Drink deep the Word of the Lord;
Choose this day to claim your part,
In the inheritance of God's reward.

Open fully the ears of your soul,
Drink deep the Blood of the Cross;
Choose this day to be made whole,
In the promise of the love of God.

Open rightly the ears of your life,
Drink deep the Holiness of Scripture;
Choose this day to believe in Christ,
The Son of God who is perfectly pure.

Open clearly the ears of your mind,
Drink deep the \W/arning of Jesus;
Choose today not to be left behind,
When the skies open and He comes!


He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, 
out of his heart will flow rivers of living water' " (–38).

Water for Your Soul
by Max Lucado

Where do you find water for the soul? Jesus gave an answer one October day in Jerusalem. People had packed the streets for the annual reenactment of the rock-giving-water miracle of Moses. Each morning a priest filled a golden pitcher with water from the Gihon spring and carried it down a people-lined path to the temple. He did this every day, once a day, for seven days. "On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, 'If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water' " (John 7:37–38).

He "stood and shouted" (NLT). The traditional rabbinic teaching posture was sitting and speaking. But Jesus stood up and shouted out. Forget a kind clearing of the throat. God was pounding his gavel on heaven's bench. Christ demanded attention.

He shouted because his time was short. The sand in the neck of his hourglass was down to measurable grains. In six months he'd be dragging a cross through these streets. And the people? The people thirsted. They needed water, not for their throats, but for their hearts. So Jesus invited: Are your insides starting to shrivel? Drink me.

Internalize him. Ingest him. Welcome him into the inner workings of your life. Let Christ be the water of your soul.

Toward this end, I give you this tool: a prayer for the thirsty heart. Carry it just as a cyclist carries a water bottle. The prayer outlines four essential fluids for soul hydration: God's work, God's energy, his lordship, and his love. You'll find the prayer easy to remember. Just think of the word W-E-L-L.

Lord, I come thirsty. I come to drink, to receive. I receive your work on the cross and in your resurrection. My sins are pardoned, and my death is defeated. I receive your energy. Empowered by your Holy Spirit, I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength. I receive your lordship. I belong to you. Nothing comes to me that hasn't passed through you. And I receive your love. Nothing can separate me from your love.

Don't you need regular sips from God's reservoir? I do. I've offered this prayer in countless situations: stressful meetings, dull days, long drives, demanding trips, character-testing decisions. Many times a day I step to the underground spring of God and receive anew his work for my sin and death, the energy of his Spirit, his lordship, and his love.

Drink with me from his bottomless well. You don't have to live with a dehydrated heart.

Receive Christ's work on the cross, the energy of his Spirit, his lordship over your life, his unending, unfailing love.

Drink deeply and often. And out of you will flow rivers of living water.

Come Thirsty© (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2004) Max Lucado


But now remain faith, hope, and love: these three. The greatest of these is love.

Three virtues remain to guide our hearts into the joy God planned from the start;
Faith, hope and love - the pillars of life - support every soul searching for the right.


In the end love will win,
In the end love will conquer;
In the end love will rise again
O'er sin and consequences.

In the end hope will see,
In the end hope will persevere;
In the end hope will be amazed,
O'er the splendor of God's glory.

In the end faith will stand,
In the end faith will be victorious;
In the end faith will meet her freedom,
In the open arms of God's Son Jesus.

Now faith, hope, and love remain—these three things—and the greatest of these is love.

God's Daily Word Ministries

  A Lifetime of Conviction
Daniel was one of the first captives taken by the Babylonians in 605 BC. Upon his arrival in Babylon, Daniel was selected to receive three years of specialized training (as well as special food and drink) to prepare him for service in the palace. This special treatment would have caused Daniel to violate the laws of God, so he "resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine" (Daniel 1:8).

His convictions had a profound impact on those around him - especially his three closest friends who were soon thrown into a fiery furnace for refusing to bow to a golden image; "We want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up" (Daniel 3:18).

Daniel served seventy years under the kings of Babylon and his convictions earned him a place as the most trusted adviser in all the land. When the Persians defeated the Babylonians, the new king even "planned to set {Daniel} over the whole kingdom" (Daniel 6:3). But when the other officials became jealous, they convinced the king to pass a law forbidding prayer to anyone except the king.

Though he knew he would be severely punished, Daniel held to his convictions and prayed to God three times a day. For this violation of the law, Daniel was thrown into a den of lions; but "God sent His angel, and He shut the mouths of the lions" (Daniel 6:22). When the king saw how God miraculously protected Daniel, he issued the following decree:

Daniel 6:26
"I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. For He is the living God and He endures forever."

There were many opportunities for Daniel to question his circumstances. He was taken into captivity at a young age, tempted with special treatment, despised by his peers, thrown to the lions, and served an entire lifetime under foreign rulers. But, without a single complaint, Daniel continued to trust God and serve Him without compromise. In the end, Daniel was used to encourage the Jews while in captivity and to draw an entire nation to a greater reverence of God. Shortly after the decree was issued 50,000 Jews were allowed to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple.

Stories like this are scattered all through God's Word! Though we may not understand our circumstances or be able to clearly see God's specific plan, we KNOW the way He is calling us to walk. Let's continue to serve and trust with all our heart. Let's walk down His path without turning to the right or to the left. Regardless of our present circumstances, let's determine once and for all to give Him a lifetime of conviction.

Have a Christ Centered Day!

Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries
