Proverbs 3:5-6

"Apart from truth our human lives would lose all their value, 
and we ourselves become no better than the beasts that perish."


I dare say,
I believe in truth;
Truth that never lies,
Truth that never dies.

I dare say,
I believe in love;
Love that never fails,
Love that sets our sail.

I dare say,
I believe in God;
God who knows my name,
God who understands my way.

I dare say,
I believe in Jesus;
Jesus who redeemed my soul from death,
Jesus who lived and died and rose again!

Following the Truth

To know the truth is the greatest privilege any man can enjoy in this life, as truth itself is without doubt the richest treasure anyone can possess. This follows from the nature of truth, and from the world-outlasting dowry it brings to those who open their hearts to it. Apart from truth our human lives would lose all their value, and we ourselves become no better than the beasts that perish. Our response to truth should be eager and instant. We dare not dally with it; we dare not treat it as something we can obey or not obey, at our pleasure. It is a glorious friend, but it is nevertheless a hard master, exacting unquestioning obedience. While a life lived in conformity with the truth will come at last to a good and peaceful end, candor requires us to admit that the lover of truth will have to endure many a heartache, many a sorrow as he journeys through the wilderness. This is the price the world makes him pay for the priceless privilege of obeying the truth. The world being what it is, truth must carry its own forfeit. The servant of truth will be penalized for his devotion. So goes the world always.


Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6


Christ is the truth. We want to embrace some truth and screen out other truth. We cant. To follow Christ means walking in the truth-all of it!

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