Peace like a pillow
“Everything about God reminds me of Jesus.” -- Author Unknown
Peace like a pillow
“Everything about God reminds me of Jesus.” -- Author Unknown
Only the blood
the blood of christ
christ is the messiah
the messiah of god
god on the cross
the cross of death
death is the enemy
the enemy of god
god the redeemer
the redeemer of life
life is the masterpiece
the masterpiece of God
god is the author
the author of faith
faith is the focus
the focus of god
god is the truth
the truth of love
love is the reason
the reason for jesus
jesus is the lord
the lord jesus christ
christ is the light
the light of all men
jeffree in jesus
september 2009MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHESTDecember 26, 2009'Walk in the Light'If we walk in the light as He is in the light . . . the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin —1 John 1:7To mistake freedom from sin only on the conscious level of our lives for complete deliverance from sin by the atonement through the Cross of Christ is a great error. No one fully knows what sin is until he is born again. Sin is what Jesus Christ faced at Calvary. The evidence that I have been delivered from sin is that I know the real nature of sin in me. For a person to really know what sin is requires the full work and deep touch of the atonement of Jesus Christ, that is, the imparting of His absolute perfection.
The Holy Spirit applies or administers the work of the atonement to us in the deep unconscious realm as well as in the conscious realm. And it is not until we truly perceive the unrivaled power of the Spirit in us that we understand the meaning of 1 John 1:7
, which says, ". . . the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin." This verse does not refer only to conscious sin, but also to the tremendously profound understanding of sin which only the Holy Spirit in me can accomplish.I must "walk in the light as He is in the light . . ."— not in the light of my own conscience, but in God’s light. If I will walk there, with nothing held back or hidden, then this amazing truth is revealed to me: ". . . the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses [me] from all sin" so that God Almighty can see nothing to rebuke in me. On the conscious level it produces a keen, sorrowful knowledge of what sin really is. The love of God working in me causes me to hate, with the Holy Spirit’s hatred for sin, anything that is not in keeping with God’s holiness. To "walk in the light" means that everything that is of the darkness actually drives me closer to the center of the light.
For similar resources, search these topics:
Just a little grace
Is all it takes
To turn a broken heart
Into a smile
Just a little grace
Is all it takes
To help a suffering soul
Through a trial
Just a little grace
Is all it really takes
To show a stubborn sinner
God's love
To point to Jesus
And tell about His Cross
A little sovereign grace
Is just enough
God's Provision
During the ministry of Elisha, a widow came to
him for financial help. Creditors had come and
threatened to take her two boys as slaves in
exchange for payment of debt. The woman re-
ported that all she had left was a little oil, but
Elisha told her how to miraculously multiply
her oil and pay her bills.
2 Kings 4:3
"Go around and ask all your neighbors for
empty jars. Don't ask for just a few. Then go
inside and shut the door behind you and your
sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is
filled, put it to one side."
The woman gathered empty jars and began
to fill them from her one small jar of oil. She
continued to fill the jars until each one she
collected was full; "Then the oil stopped
flowing" (2 Kings 4:6). The woman was
able to sell the oil and pay her debt.
Notice that the oil stopped flowing as soon
as the last jar was full. If the woman would
have collected half as many jars, the oil
would have stopped flowing when the
collected jars were filled. And if she would
have collected twice as many jars, the oil
would have continued until every last one
was full. God's provision was equal to the
number of jars she collected - equal to the
number of jars she believed God would fill.
In our limited understanding of God we
often place artificial restrictions on what
we think He can accomplish, and our
prayers become reduced to what we
believe is actually possible. We may rejoice
when our small prayers are answered, but
our level of faith has limited what God
provides. Peter never would have stepped
out of the boat and walked on the water
toward Jesus if confined to the realm of his
own understanding.
Please do not read this message as a formula
for worldly prosperity! God's Word never
teaches that we are all to be rich with
material wealth (this is an ugly distortion
of His truth). But God desires for each of
us to trust Him beyond the bounds of our
best analysis, and to draw closer than what
we believe is ever possible. Peter didn't
need to understand how the atomic struc-
ture of water might be altered to provide
stability, he simply needed to know with
certainty that Jesus was calling; "Lord, if
it's You, tell me to come to You on the
water" (Matthew 14:28).
We serve an Awesome God - more awe-
some than we will ever comprehend; "As
the heavens are higher than the earth, so
are My ways higher than your ways and
My thoughts than your thoughts"
(Isaiah 55:9). We must never believe
there's a problem too big for God to handle;
"He is able to do immeasurably more..."
(Ephesians 3:20). Let's pray with a faith
that truly believes our Father is the
Creator of the Universe, and let's refuse
to place limits on God's provision.
Have a Christ Centered Day!
Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries
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Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 I B S.
God's Daily Word Ministries
P.O. Box 190
Lorena, TX 76655
Fearless: Facing Your Worst Fear
Max Lucado from UpWords Ministries.
This poem was shaped (more or less) by reading today's
My Utmost for His Highest. Hope you will enjoy. Jeffree7
For me, for you, for us,
Heaven sings a joyful chorus:
One for All and All for One!
Jesus came to die for us,
To save us from eternal death.
The blood, the pain, the sorrow,
No day is promised a tomorrow;
Live today for tomorrow we die,
Jesus came that we might live,
To try each day to do our best.
The hope, the faith, the love,
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
All for One and One for All,
Jesus came that we might die,
To live again in peace and rest.
For me, for you, for us,
Angels sing this joyful chorus:
King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
Jesus came to go before us,
To lead the way so we'd be blessed.
APRIL 5, 2009
![]() | Sunday, April 5, 2009
If John 3:16 isn't the refrain of the Christian life I
don't know what is; it definitelykeeps coming back
to our attention as we journey towards Heaven and
endeavor to invite others to follow Our Savior and
Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ. Also included are a
few of my favorite stops on the Web. Jeff
This is a song so please sing along!
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![]() | Eyes on the Fatherby Max LucadoWhen the restaurant waiter brings you a cold hamburger and a hot soda, you want to know who is in charge. When a young fellow wants to impress his girlfriend, he takes her down to the convenience store where he works and boasts, "Every night from five to ten o'clock, I'm in charge." We know what it means to be in charge of a restaurant or a store, but to be in charge of the universe? This is the claim of Jesus. There are many examples of Jesus' authority, but I'll just mention one of my favorites. Jesus and the disciples are in a boat crossing the Sea of Galilee. A storm arises suddenly, and what was placid becomes violent—monstrous waves rise out of the sea and slap the boat. Mark describes it clearly: "A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped" (Mark 4:37 NIV). It's very important that you get an accurate picture, so I'm going to ask you to imagine yourself in the boat. It's a sturdy vessel but no match for these ten-foot waves. It plunges nose first into the wall of water. The force of the waves dangerously tips the boat until the bow seems to be pointing straight at the sky, and just when you fear flipping over backward, the vessel pitches forward into the valley of another wave. A dozen sets of hands join yours in clutching the mast. All your shipmates have wet heads and wide eyes. You tune your ear for a calming voice, but all you hear are screams and prayers. All of a sudden it hits you—someone is missing. Where is Jesus? He's not at the mast. He's not grabbing the edge. Where is he? Then you hear something—a noise … a displaced sound … as if someone is snoring. You turn and look, and there curled in the stern of the boat is Jesus, sleeping! You don't know whether to be amazed or angry, so you're both. How can he sleep at a time like this? Or as the disciples asked, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" (Mark 4:38 NIV). The very storm that made the disciples panic made him drowsy. What put fear in their eyes put him to sleep. The boat was a tomb to the followers and a cradle to Christ. How could he sleep through the storm? Simple—he was in charge of it.
Incredible…Is it any wonder the disciples were willing to die for Jesus? Never had they seen such power; never had they seen such glory. It was like, well, like the whole universe was his kingdom. It's only right that they declare his authority. It's only right that we do the same. And when we do, we state without question: The ruler of the universe rules our hearts.
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