Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy,
to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing
to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform
any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed
by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able
to test and approve what God's will is—his good,
pleasing and perfect will.
I am to be light in this world
Unfurled against the darkness
I am held to a higher standard
Shining forth the truth of Jesus
I am not to be conformed to this world
Consumed by the fears that pull it down
I am not to be lowered to its empty level
Forgetting what the Resurrection is about
I am to be true to God's Word
Brave and courageous like Joshua of old
I am faithful to the promises I've heard
Fitting into the press of God's holy mold
I am not to be afraid of the dark
Worried over yesterday, today, or tomorrow
I will love Almighty God with all of my heart
And step out in faith when its my time to go
I am to be transformed by God's Word
As I remain seperated from the world
Sanctified for service to Jesus my Lord
I worship in Spirit and wield His Sword
8/23 2008
I am light in this world
Unfurled against the darkness
I am held to a higher standard
As I shine forth the truth of Jesus
I am not conformed by the world
Consumed by fears that drag it down
I am not to be lowered to its empty level
And forget what faith in Resurrection is about
I am true to God's Word
Brave and courageous like Joshua of old
Faithful to trustworthy promises heard
I fit into the press of God's holy mold
I am not afraid of the dark
Worried over yesterday, today, or tomorrow
I love Almighty God with all of our heart
And step out in faith when its my time to go
I am transformed by God's Word
As I remain seperate from the world
Sanctified for service to Jesus my Lord
I worship in Spirit and carry His Sword
7/11 2008
We are light in this world
Unfurled against the darkness
We are held to a higher standard
As we shine forth the truth of Jesus
We are not conformed by the world
Consumed by fears that drag it down
We are not to be lowered to its empty level
And forget our faith of Resurrection and Life
We are true to God's Word
Brave and courageous like Joshua of old
Faithful to trustworthy promises heard
We fit into the press of God's holy mold
We are not afraid of the dark
Worried over yesterday, today, and tomorrow
We love Almighty God with all of our heart
And step out in faith when its our time to go
We are transformed by God's Word
As we seperate from the world
Sanctified for service to Jesus our Lord
We worship in Spirit and wield His Sword
6/16 2008
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the
sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between
joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
Hebrews 4:12 (New Living Translation)
I am not what I ought to be.
I am not what I wish to be.
I am not even what I hope to be.
But by the cross of Christ,
I am not what I was.
John Newton
Our Daily Bread
March 13, 2009
To Be Or Not To Be
READ: 2 Corinthians 1:3-11
We were burdened beyond measure, . . . so that
we despaired even of life. --- 2 Corinthians 1:8
When I was a child, kids on the playground
jokingly quoted Shakespeare's famous line:
"To be or not to be, that is the question!"
But we really didn't understand what it meant.
Later I learned that Shakespeare's character
Hamlet, who speaks these lines, is a melan-
choly prince who learns that his uncle has
killed his father and married his mother. The
horror of this realization is so disturbing that
he contemplates suicide. The question for him
was: "to be" (to go on living) or "not to be"
(to take his own life).At times, life's pain can
become so overwhelming that we are tempted
to despair. The apostle Paul told the church at
Corinth that his persecution in Asia was so
intense he "despaired even of life"(2 Cor. 1:8).
Yet by shifting his focus to his life-sustaining
God, he became resilient instead of over-
whelmed, and learned "that we should not trust
in ourselves but in God"(v.9).Trials can make
life seem not worth living. Focusing on our-
selves can lead to despair. But putting our trust
in God gives us an entirely different perspective.
As long as we live in this world, we can be
certain that our all-sufficient God will sustain
us. And as His followers, we will always have
a divine purpose "to be." --- Dennis Fisher
Lord, give us grace to trust You when Life's
burdens seem too much to bear; Dispel the
darkness with new hope And help us rise
above despair." Sper
Trials make us think; thinking makes us
wise; wisdom makes life profitable.

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